Mega Group



Mega and Future-Tech Sign Provizit System Agreement

Mega Management and Marketing Consulting Company has recently announced its collaboration with Future Tech Company, one of the leading technology firms in the region, to offer advanced solutions for managing visitors and meeting rooms. This exciting partnership will focus on marketing the Provision Application, which is designed to streamline and enhance visitor programs and meeting room management.

The agreement was formally signed at Mega Corporation’s headquarters in Riyadh on December 8th, in the presence of Dr. Abdul Hai Megdad, the CEO of Mega, and Mr. Mohammed Siddiqui, the CEO of Future Tech. Both executives expressed their satisfaction with this new partnership, which is expected to have a significant impact on improving customer experience and simplifying procedures for holding meetings and managing visitors.

According to Dr. Miqdad, the Provision System is a crucial step toward enhancing the overall customer experience. The system’s flexibility and professional management options allow employees and administrators to coordinate meeting dates and visitors without interference between departments, ultimately improving workflow efficiency and productivity.

Mr. Siddiqui expressed his pride in the partnership and thanked Dr. Abdul Hai Miqdad for his cooperation. He emphasized that the Provision System is a powerful tool that will enable companies to optimize their resources and enhance their customer relationships.

As Mega prepares for the upcoming year, the company is committed to implementing various programs and projects aimed at strengthening customer relationships and improving the internal work environment. With the introduction of the Provision System, Mega will be better equipped to provide a seamless and efficient experience for its clients and visitors alike.

Mega and Future-Tech Sign Provizit System Agreement

According to Dr. Miqdad, the Provision System is a crucial step toward enhancing the overall customer experience. The system’s flexibility and professional management options allow employees and administrators to coordinate meeting dates and visitors without interference between departments, ultimately improving workflow efficiency and productivity.

Mr. Siddiqui expressed his pride in the partnership and thanked Dr. Abdul Hai Miqdad for his cooperation. He emphasized that the Provision System is a powerful tool that will enable companies to optimize their resources and enhance their customer relationships.

As Mega prepares for the upcoming year, the company is committed to implementing various programs and projects aimed at strengthening customer relationships and improving the internal work environment. With the introduction of the Provision System, Mega will be better equipped to provide a seamless and efficient experience for its clients and visitors alike.

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