Mega Group



Mega Group Launches Annual Blood Donation Campaign in Collaboration with Kfsh Blood Bank

On a Wednesday morning, Mega Consulting and Training Company launched its long-awaited yearly blood donation campaign. The event was a success thanks to the collaboration between the General Corporation of King Faisal Hospital and the Research Center, which brought together employees from different departments to participate in this noble cause.

Dr. Abdul Hai, speaking on behalf of Mega Consulting, emphasized the significance of this campaign in their yearly social responsibility plan. The primary objective of the initiative is to support the courageous heroes stationed on the southern border while fulfilling the urgent requirements of the hospital’s blood bank.

With the purpose of maximizing the campaign’s impact, the Public Relations Department and the media extended invitations to neighboring companies to participate and contribute to the cause. The collaborative effort aimed to benefit the larger community and aligns with the company’s commitment to social responsibility

The annual campaign was organized with the help of Dr. Miqdad, who expressed gratitude for the immense response from all those involved. The employees of Mega Consulting and the wider society are known for their dedication and compassion, always willing to assist the sick and injured in collaboration with relevant authorities.

The success of the campaign owes much to the tireless efforts of the Department of Public Relations and Media, which played a vital role in ensuring its triumph. Heartfelt thanks are extended to all those who contributed to the donation and accomplishment of the noble cause.

Mega Group Launches Annual Blood Donation Campaign in Collaboration with Kfsh Blood Bank

The annual campaign was organized with the help of Dr. Miqdad, who expressed gratitude for the immense response from all those involved. The employees of Mega Consulting and the wider society are known for their dedication and compassion, always willing to assist the sick and injured in collaboration with relevant authorities.

The success of the campaign owes much to the tireless efforts of the Department of Public Relations and Media, which played a vital role in ensuring its triumph. Heartfelt thanks are extended to all those who contributed to the donation and accomplishment of the noble cause.

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